Tag: Seaford
4 Solutions for Long Island Properties Located in a Flood Zone
Just about any idyllic living situation has a less glamorous side. Take waterfront properties, for example. They are a dream come true for many, but that also means you may be living in a flood zone. At GreenLInk Home Inspections, we offer engineering expertise and other solutions to homeowners living in a Long Island flood […]
Home Inspection Realities: 5 Top Issues Identified
Whether you are a buyer or seller, a home inspection will make you take a pause as you weigh the implications of the report on your real estate transaction. While we know there is no such thing as passing or failing an inspection, there are limits to what a buyer is willing to take on. […]
Avoid These Common Mistakes When Choosing a Home Inspector
It can be difficult to decide where to turn when choosing a home inspector for your pending real estate transaction. You want to ensure your new home is free of any deal-breaking flaws or safety issues. GreenLInk Home Inspections is locally owned and operated on Long Island, and we are experienced in navigating the area’s […]
Prepare Your Commercial Property For an Inspection This Fall
Commercial real estate transfers are not a simple process and require a lot of preparation as you cross all of your t’s and dot your i’s. You need a clear line of communication between all of the parties involved as you navigate the financing for the property, the condition and value of the building, as […]
Identifying Foundation Problems During a Home Inspection
There are certain issues that you don’t want to see on the home inspection report, whether you are the seller or the prospective buyer, and topping that list would be foundation problems. That’s because the foundation is one of the most critical components of a home evaluated during an inspection and can end up being […]
How to Prioritize Your Home Inspection Report
Whether you are a first-time buyer or have done this a few times, the real estate transaction process can leave you feeling overwhelmed and your head spinning. Sometimes you find what you think will be the perfect house, but the inspection report indicates otherwise. Perhaps your inspection report uncovered many issues you weren’t expecting to […]
Why Your Newly-Built Home Needs an Inspection
Building a new home makes for an exciting time in your life, one that is fraught with decisions and eager anticipation. One of the best decisions you can make as the soon-to-be-owner of a newly-built home is to secure your investment with a new construction inspection. GreenLInk Home Inspections brings 25 years of experience to […]
5 Maintenance Tips For Your New Home
If you’ve recently moved into a new house, then you likely know if there are any issues or flaws present based on the home inspection. Perhaps the seller already took care of most issues to comply with the terms of the purchase negotiation. GreenLInk Home Inspections sees countless Long Island homes, and we know which […]
The Difference Between a Home Inspection and an Appraisal
A home inspection and a home appraisal are two important steps in your real estate transaction, but they often get confused with each other. A home inspection and an appraisal are requested by different parties, and each serves its own specific purpose in the whole process. Basically, a home inspection will identify any flaws within […]
A Pool and Spa Inspection Will Ensure Safe Fun This Summer
Every homeowner who’s fortunate enough to be in possession of a swimming pool looks forward to the day they can open it up for another season of outdoor fun. Whether that describes you, or you are house hunting with a pool high on your wish list, you need to take extra steps to ensure your […]